The few American reporters who did intelligence work for the United States were considered disgraceful by their peers.
At that point, it was considered disgraceful for a woman to wear a toga; wearing the male garment was associated with prostitution and adultery.
"I think it's not considered disgraceful; there are no strong religious prohibitions, and historically some types of suicide were considered honorable."
Here is a woman who speaks her mind and says aloud what we might think but dare not utter for fear of being considered disgraceful.
It appears that doing business, except with uffts, is considered disgraceful.
While references to the sexual exploitation of maidservants appear in literature, it was considered disgraceful for a man to keep such women under the same roof as his wife.
Disowning a son who was a naval hero over a perfectly respectable marriage was considered disgraceful.
Realizing that Junior is the main threat to them, Spike, under orders from Mike, injures him by spearing him with his helmet after the whistle, which even Kevin considers disgraceful, unsportsmanlike conduct.
Among many of Africa's pastoralists, stealing livestock is seen as a badge of honor - and losing the animals is considered disgraceful.
Captain Breckenridge's inability to find any guerrillas in the preceding eleven days, together with his eagerness to surrender, were also considered disgraceful.