In better kitchens, it is considered demeaning to toss a couple of burgers on the grill.
It is generally considered demeaning, the person asked to perform the trick being devalued for satisfying this request.
They were not required to wear normal police uniform, or to cut their hair short, both of which were considered demeaning.
They do not engage in trade, which they consider demeaning, but some few have agents who trade for them.
They were from the lowest ranks of the priest-hood because any work involving earth was considered demeaning.
The use of the word dialecto, which often used to label the language, is considered demeaning:
The old term "people of color," once considered demeaning, is surfacing again in respectable forums.
She took singing lessons and turned down Hollywood parts she considered demeaning.
In addition to legal and social inequalities, women do most of Africa's subsistence farming - a job that men consider demeaning.
Might not some actually enjoy doing something outside the home - even if what they do is work the moms you interview would consider demeaning?