It is commonly used with gallo pinto and tamales, and is also considered particularly complementary with eggs, rice, beans, fish, cheese, curries, and as a marinade for meat.
Despite their differences, these two approaches to human security can be considered complementary rather than contradictory.
The attached cottage and adult education centre are included in English Heritage's listing for their "group value"-they are considered architecturally complementary to the meeting house.
The exceptional feature of Wilber's approach is that, under this methodology, all of these mental structures-subconscious, rational, mystical-are considered complementary and legitimate, rather than competing in a zero-sum conceptual space.
The worship of Ganesha is considered complementary with the worship of other deities.
Nmap Security Scanner: Nmap and hping are often considered complementary to one another.
A senior official at the stock exchange said two systems were considered complementary.
This can be considered complementary to OA because both traits will help maintain leaf growth (or prevent leaf death) during drought.
These are considered complementary and juxtaposed on the same level if illustrated graphically on for instance an organization's web page.
Parliament emphasises, however, that living donations must be considered complementary to donations after death.