The two enjoyed the water, but declined the tanning, which they considered barbaric.
The president would show real compassion and principle by protecting this population from a practice considered barbaric in the rest of the civilized world.
And a lot of times it's kinda considered barbaric.
During this period of time, conditions at the Charité for mentally ill patients were often considered barbaric and inhumane.
"But years from now the treatments we use today might well be considered barbaric."
They are considered barbaric by some, but their power is respected and feared.
In the years after its invention, basketball was widely considered too barbaric for females.
The neighborhood language bristled with words now considered so barbaric that using one would disqualify the user for public office or television millions.
Such conflicts had long been considered barbaric and obsolete.
With contact from Europeans, beef increasingly became popular, even though it had previously been considered barbaric.