Until now the role of rising plateaus has not been widely considered as a cause of climate change.
It is suggested that coeliac disease should be considered as a potential cause of secondary carnitine deficiency.
Pregnancy should therefore be considered as a possible cause of nausea in any women of child bearing age.
Investigators did not consider metal fatigue as a contributory cause.
General practitioners and dermatologists should now consider propionibacterial resistance as a cause of therapeutic failure.
At first, icing was considered as a possible cause of the crash.
He'd considered his own danger as a possible cause of distress to Ginny.
If she bemoans a troubled teenage son, I consider stress as a possible cause of her lower back pain.
According to him, a theory that does not consider human nature as a cause of crime is nonsense.
Harris did consider this as a possible cause of Gibson's crash.