The incident prompted Mayor Paul Soglin to joke that he was considering amnesty for anyone arrested in the cause of uncollected grass clippings.
Pence, the Indiana Republican who leads the House conservative caucus, is dead set against the Senate immigration bill, which he considers amnesty.
The Italian government is considering a general pardon or amnesty to ease conditions in the country's badly crowded prisons.
It has three mandates - to collect and investigate victims' accounts, to consider amnesty for those who confess their part in atrocities and to make recommendations on reparations for the victims.
He is considering amnesty for the striking air traffic controllers fired by Ronald Reagan.
A1 Aristide said he would convene Parliament to consider amnesty.
"My party considers amnesty a good thing, but only a very broad amnesty," said Emmanuel Reyme, a Christian Democratic Deputy.
The World Tribunal always considers amnesty, but hardly ever grants it.
General Alkhanov also suggested that he might consider amnesty for rebels who lay down their arms and denounce the separatist cause.
He replied that it was not part of his plan; only after Medicaid is overhauled and abusers have been prosecuted, he said, would he consider amnesty, which he called an intriguing idea.