They also considered altering the amendment to include one or more enforcement provisions like formulas to cap spending.
He considered altering the mansion's name to remove association with the rumored Kilpatrick partying incident.
Loews briefly considered altering the sign by projecting the Loews name on it, but the idea was soon scrapped.
Perhaps American athletes, faced with the challenge of serious competition at home during the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, will consider altering their diets.
Do you ever consider altering an article's rank, layout or photo simply for the sake of diversification?
Cycling must consider altering the Tour de France to lessen the demand, indeed the need, for cheating.
In May 2011, the city of Valparaiso considered altering the schedule the same way as the previous summer.
Top Federal scientists said today that they were willing to consider altering the rules.
Until the eve of the summit, members had refused to consider altering any part of it.
Ms. Jacobs said that "some of the mergers don't make sense" and that the Legislature would consider altering some them.