It is considered advantageous for the cox to be light - as there is less weight for the crew to move.
Break points are of particular importance because serving is generally considered advantageous, with the server being expected to win games in which they are serving.
Ball-strike counts considered extremely advantageous to batters are 2-0 and 3-1.
Membership has often been considered advantageous for those wishing to pursue a career in business, politics or law.
"The idea that a newspaper's editorial stance would be considered advantageous or disadvantageous" for the newsroom's work "is dangerous," he said.
In other words being a hermaphrodite would increase genetic variability and thus be considered advantageous to the organism.
A rainy spring and a hot dry summer are considered advantageous.
This high drag can actually be considered advantageous during landing as it aids in slowing down the aircraft.
Also, the tax benefits for such deals this year are considered much more advantageous than those that will be available in the future.
Prices for these wines used to be considered advantageous, but no longer.