Jehovah's Witnesses consider qualified public baptism to represent the baptizand's ordination, following which he or she is immediately considered an ordained minister.
The company's chief executive is considered an unofficial minister of economic development in the province.
He was considered a competent minister and he established advisory bodies to improve the quality of primary produce for export.
Yet however radical some of Pombal's attitudes, he has little claim to be considered an 'enlightened' minister.
On the issue of war reparations, the Centre Party's Wirth considered an anglophilic and also independent foreign minister to be advantageous.
Crucially, the treaty puts in place someone who may be considered a European president as well as a powerful European foreign minister, and a diplomatic service.
In the Eastern Catholic Churches, a deacon is not considered an ordinary minister.
He was never titular prime minister, but was largely considered a de facto prime minister and well regarded by his contemporaries.
He was considered a good minister by the community and had a great talent for bringing things alive.
Loughton, considered an effective minister, has been instrumental in ensuring that young carers are not left to fend for themselves.