Before the race Weir's personal best fell outside the top twelve competitors at that year's Marathon, and he was not considered a serious challenger.
A horse, though, was of a size to be considered a potential challenger.
"He does this every four years, offering us a politically astute budget," said Mr. Brodsky, who is considered a likely challenger for the County Executive post.
Fossella was considered a possible challenger to Mayor Michael Bloomberg in the 2005 election, but he chose not to make the race.
It has been a disappointing season for the Orioles, who were considered a challenger to the Yankees in the A.L. East.
The winner was the favorite, the Ukrainian grandmaster Vassily Ivanchuk, who has been considered a potential challenger for the world championship.
Schreyer was frequently compared to his father on the campaign trail, and was considered a serious challenger for the riding.
Unless he can win a fully contested primary, Mr. Forbes will not be considered a serious challenger to the leaders.
Bee was then the Arizona State Senate President and was considered a strong challenger in this race.
Baidu, in which Google has a small stake, is considered a strong challenger to the new Alibaba-Yahoo partnership.