Buckley looked to be the leader of the next stage of the conservative revolt.
In 1875, Trujillo enlisted in the army to defend the government of President Aquileo Parra against the conservative revolt.
Sometimes there seems something almost Oedipal in Mr. Bush's revitalization of Republican stereotypes, as if by invoking them he can avoid the conservative revolt on taxes that upended his father's presidency.
Deng Xiaoping, then China's paramount leader, had once anointed him as his successor but abandoned him in the face of the conservative revolt, party officials involved in the power struggle said.
Like many such movements, this long-running conservative revolt is rife with contradictions.
The conservative revolt is the first stage of this metamorphosis.
But in recent weeks, Mr. Oberweis, a plainspoken dairy owner, has become a leader in a widening conservative revolt against the president's sweeping plan to grant temporary legal status to millions of illegal immigrants.
His military career began in 1876, at the battle of "Hatogrande", the conservative revolt against President Aquileo Parra.
However his political career ended in 1879 after an incident where he proclaimed himself political and military leader of Antioquia in response to a conservative revolt.
At Agriculture, Gore could fend off a possible conservative Democratic revolt in the choice of House speaker, if Democrats win a majority, by picking the Texas "blue dog" leader, Representative Charles Stenholm.