Dubbed the "stealth candidate," he arrived with an extremely conservative reputation but almost no paper trail.
Princeton and Dubuque, for instance, tend to have more conservative reputations.
Given Hearst's conservative reputation and the financial uncertainty resulting from the 9/11 attacks, Lord Foster was ready for anything.
Montana had not elected a Republican Governor since 1964, even though the state has a conservative reputation.
Mr. Gingrich has a conservative reputation, and often makes long speeches attacking what he calls the welfare state.
But several scholars said that, contrary to his conservative reputation, Mr. Nixon presided over a substantial expansion of the welfare state.
The people of Trabzon have a reputation for being religiously conservative and nationalist.
Gillick shed the nickname several seasons ago and also the conservative reputation.
Though he was known as a quarterback who sometimes improvised on the run, Mr. Staubach has developed a conservative reputation in the real estate world.
The progressive priests feared that his conservative reputation would negatively affect liberation theology's commitment to the poor.