The Trefa Banquet, (trefa means non-kosher) intensified the conflict between the radical and conservative reformers.
In the last third of the 19th century, radical and conservative reformers alike were organizing alternative housing modes, diverse arrangements that might well make later families envious.
Soon after this banquet, known as the Trefa Banquet, intensified the conflict between the radical and conservative reformers.
Like the conservative Muslim reformers, therefore, the Protestant reformers were both revolutionary and reactionary.
Bettina K. Beer, August von Haxthausen, a conservative reformer: proposals for administrative and social reform in Russia and Prussia 1829 - 1866.
Mr. Levy, Suffolk's first Democratic executive in 12 years, campaigned as a fiscally conservative reformer.
A conservative reformer, he was considered a Bourbon Democrat.
Wilson was considered a conservative reformer during his term in the legislature.
Democracy didn't move forward in a burst of glory, but in a long slog of gradual concessions made by reluctant conservative reformers.
He was a close student of the Talmud, and also of the Greek and later German philosophers, acquiring a high reputation among Jewish scholars as a conservative reformer.