online news network started by Andrew Breitbart, conservative publisher.
Most of West Berlin's newspapers and magazines were controlled by a single, highly conservative publisher.
William Kristol, the conservative publisher of The Weekly Standard, said of Mr. Bush: "I do think people think he could have showed stronger leadership."
That's what he wanted to call it, but his conservative publisher made him spell it the conventional way.
But some Korean journalists are convinced that, after years of official censorship, essentially conservative publishers consider self-censorship a safer, even preferable course.
William Kristol, a conservative publisher with close ties to the administration, said today that Mr. Rumsfeld's standing had fallen with some White House aides.
William Kristol, a conservative publisher with close ties to the administration, said that White House officials understood they had made mistakes, and that they had switched tactics.
"As conservatives, we were crossing our fingers on Ginsburg," said Richard A. Viguerie, a conservative publisher.
Morley fell out of favour with the more conservative publishers of the journal and was replaced by T.H.S. Escott in 1882.
He was the father to William Loeb III, the conservative publisher of the Manchester Union Leader.