The Republican National Committee put him on at least one conference call with evangelical pastors and conservative organizers.
"If we wait until the Supreme Court, I think it is too late," said Paul Weyrich, a veteran conservative organizer.
The same name, with many pronunciations, comes up repeatedly on Christian talk radio shows, said Gary Bauer, a Christian conservative political organizer.
Richard Viguerie, the conservative organizer, said the affair was a measure of the distance traveled by his movement.
The content of television has been a favorite target of conservative organizers and critics.
Mr. Kristol falls into another category: conservative intellectual organizer.
"He has a following in conservative circles," said Paul Weyrich, a veteran conservative organizer.
Morton Blackwell, who was President Reagan's liaison to the conservative movement, said spending was in some ways the last frontier for conservative organizers.
"The president has bet the farm on Iraq," Paul Weyrich, a veteran Christian conservative organizer, warned in a recent e-mail newsletter.
And for conservative organizers, publishers and merchandise-makers, her nomination would be an opportunity to revive what once seemed like the anti-Clinton industry.