In recent years, doctrines of judicial restraint have more often been criticized when used by "conservative" jurists.
Even if she was going to be a loyal conservative jurist before, why should she be now, after all the loathsome things they've said?
Liberals have voiced concern that Judge Bork, who is considered a conservative jurist, would move the Court much farther to the right.
Alito has been described by the Cato Institute as a conservative jurist with a libertarian streak.
Just as President Clinton took the opportunity to name two very liberal judges, the president's constituency will be looking to him to appoint a conservative jurist.
Social conservatives hailed him as the model of the conservative jurist President Bush had promised them, and the two sides mobilized for ideological war.
As he spoke, a small group of Rutgers law students demonstrated outside against the law school's inviting of a conservative jurist.
Justice Sullivan has a reputation as a moderate to conservative jurist who does not toe any political line.
Clement has a reputation as a conservative jurist and a strict constructionist who strongly supports principles of federalism.
And yet he does not dispute that he is a conservative jurist.