Presumably, this conservative impulse was of small concern to the first owners who paid little attention to "high style" design trends.
The degree to which radical and conservative impulses run together in the series paintings is fascinating.
But this much is clear: all states, even rogue ones, have a strong conservative impulse for self-preservation.
Ironically, as Sorin points out, Howe's socialism was, in this sense, the product of a conservative impulse.
Either way, it is not easy to reconcile his combination of radical and conservative impulses.
I think these are conservative impulses.
But Trilling would also have objected to the conservative impulse to simplify the relationships he perceived.
Mr. Hitchens argues that throughout Orwell's life, he had to struggle against his own conservative impulses.
None of these conservative impulses, though, have much to do with his work.
Even the strength of the German mark is rooted in a conservative impulse: a desire for the investment that is least likely to lose value.