Birth control, as the historian David Kennedy once argued, was a liberal reform often turned to conservative ends.
At the conservative end of the spectrum is Senator Gramm's proposal to give individuals the chance to be more responsible for their own health costs.
"If they do come back in, I expect they will skew to the very conservative end of the stock spectrum."
But others say it is a means to a conservative end.
After a few years in the wilderness, maybe they will be disposed to using that power for conservative ends.
And on the conservative end, some Republicans have revived a proposed constitutional amendment, introduced long ago, that would override the court's decision.
Now, investors have a more compelling option for the conservative end of the portfolio, even if they don't believe that higher inflation looms.
Blacks on the more conservative end of the political spectrum are less sympathetic.
At the conservative end of the spectrum, the National Front said its candidates would stay in the race wherever they qualified.
Legal positivism has been used to both liberal and conservative ends, Professor Howard said.