But analysts, generally conservative in their predictions, said the results were solid but contained few surprises.
Kevin Phillips, the conservative political analyst, said that equally important to him was who would not be on the committee.
Both liberal and conservative analysts described this uneasy generation in strikingly similar terms.
Now a number of conservative analysts have urged him to hang tough with the transit workers.
Some conservative analysts want to limit Washington's role altogether.
You might be surprised at what even some conservative analysts would have to say in retrospect about the nurturing of a Central American middle class.
Some conservative analysts question whether international comparisons of prosperity should even be attempted.
But he expressed reservations and there was quick opposition from conservative military analysts, who objected especially to the idea of a freeze.
The question that has excited both liberal and conservative analysts is how best to handle the surplus.
But other conservative analysts say the council has suffered many defeats along with its victories.