Calvene and its entire region remained subject to Roman rule as it went from splendor to its downfall and consequent destruction by Barbarian Hordes who invaded Italy at various times.
Its lyrics concern the fall of an empire, war and the consequent destruction of other aspects of life.
The Omani invasion began a period of political instability and a quick succession of outside rulers took power with consequent destruction.
In some cases, urbanization, pollution, and/or consequent destruction of snail habitat has reduced exposure, with a subsequent decrease in new infections.
The consequent destruction of natural values is irremediable.
After Kelley research, the site was abandoned by the authorities for 40 years, with the consequent destruction and looting by professional dealers of archaeological pieces.
The consequent destruction of wildlife habitat has prompted the creation of conservation groups in other countries, some founded by local hunters who have witnessed declining wildlife populations first hand.
Louisiana has a long history, under both parties, of approving private developments in wetlands with consequent destruction of wetlands across coastal Louisiana.
Rattlesnakes living around human population centers may not rattle as often because it leads to the snake's discovery and consequent destruction.
To give just three examples: the 'Globalisation Adjustment Fund' should not be used as a temporary cushion against the unacceptable social and economic costs of closure and relocation of undertakings, with the consequent destruction of jobs.