Current consensus favors a more moderate position, but it is unclear which genera to split.
It is clear from the 252-to-177 vote in the House that a strong consensus in both parties favors reform.
The consensus favors catastrophic sliding and calculations suggest that the front of the sliding mass may have advanced at a speed of over 100 miles/hour (160 km/h), meaning that the mountain traveled to its present location in approximately 30 minutes.
Scholars have debated the cause of the differences between Q1 and the subsequent editions; the modern critical consensus favors censorship as the most plausible explanation.
The scholarly consensus favors the view that the masque was designed by Inigo Jones, though no firm historical evidence necessitates this conclusion, and data on the masque's design elements are not extant.
"I do not think that consensus will favor repair, redistribution of ships' populations, and continued travel."
The modern critical consensus favors Thomas Middleton as the author, citing internal evidence from the text of the play.
The consensus favored one of the cargo ships, only Jag Jaganig preferring the passenger ship.
However, the consensus of opinion favored special-purpose tanks with a permanently mounted flail system and he returned to South Africa in 1943.
The hosts' consensus favored the kneecaps.