There isn't a more "consensus" based scientific theory than nothing with mass can reach the speed of light or beyond.
The consensus based decision making process proved difficult to manage the affairs of the community and the business of running educational programs.
However, the general consensus, based primarily on morphological evidence, is that membership in Afroasiatic is well established.
In the 20th century, consensus based assemblies enjoyed a modest resurgence with the US civil rights movement of the 1960s.
It was a consensus based on a common attitude towards the children as the interviews and classroom recordings show.
All these rating systems are voluntary, consensus based, market-driven building programmes.
The term consociational state is used in political science to describe countries with such consensus based political systems.
Our debates at Hampton Court resulted in a consensus based on a fundamental idea and on five key areas.
"Gaining that consensus, based on an analysis of the science, was the critical achievement."
"It is still operating like a tea party, keeping to the safe points and waiting for a consensus based on the least common denominator."