A lock is an incident which, with or without charge, is in conscious recall and which seems to be the reason the aberree is aberrated.
Dianetics uses a counseling technique known as auditing, developed by Hubbard to enable conscious recall of traumatic events in an individual's past.
Those who touched their ears had no conscious recall of being told to do so.
It seems conscious recall is a process our bodies eventually sacrifice for the greater good!
Although most people who have any conscious recall of what it's like to die will relate something that conforms at least in part to this model.
Hypnotic training triggered bursts into their minds, crystalline shards of fact, faster than conscious recall.
Declarative memory requires conscious recall, in that some conscious process must call back the information.
In contrast, procedural memory (or implicit memory) is not based on the conscious recall of information, but on implicit learning.
"I mayn't give you conscious recall, but I will set the knowledge in place, to be triggered if you need it," she said, setting her hands on his shoulders.
One must also take into account Barney's conscious recall of the entities he observed on the hovering craft.