Digger gold is the common slang term for gold recovered from electronics components such as board fingers, CPUs, and connector pins.
The interruption source was quickly noted by the others, however, as Gregory examined the wall of connector pins that confronted him.
The two rectangles in the middle represent the cables, with the connector pins of each signal printed at either side.
In Printed Circuit Board assembly individual connector pins are sometimes pressed/swaged into place using an arbor press.
Different ways of wiring numbered connector pins at the two ends of a cable creates different assemblies, which may appear identical but behave differently.
They all have 68 connector pins.
In these unusual cases, gender is often defined by the shape of the connector body, rather than the mixed-gender connector pins and sockets.
Male connector pins are often protected by a shell (also called a shroud, surround, or shield), which may envelop the entire female connector when mated.
Instead, most computer hardware people fall back to referring to the wrap-around metal shield on the plug connector as if it were a connector pin.
The higher category hitches have sturdier lift arms and larger connector pins.