Three strong summer group shows of art by women are bound together by some loose connective threads.
The connective thread, Dole says, is a pragmatic assessment of American interests.
There was a sense, familiar these days, of dance sprawling along, with little suggestion of a connective thread or of building to any sort of completion.
Each of your nerve cells has a long connective thread of nerve tissue coming out of either end.
The connective threads are strong.
Watching this mosaic of scattered fragments, you long for more history, more facts, a stronger connective thread, something to grab onto.
It was a fascinating glimpse into the machine's workings, because you could spy the connective thread running between the possibilities, even the wrong ones.
Uttal's soulful singing and spiritual themes provide the crucial connective thread throughout the album.
Instead, I search for some connective thread in the cartons of her clothes returned in the end by the health-related facility.
Children will understand this fantasy sphere immediately and adults will appreciate the several levels of artistry through which this connective thread of a narrative is always maintained.