These connected stories, written by a native South African now living in England, turn on just such real or imagined collusions in racial crimes.
A Long Time Dying (1985, published as a novel, can also be described as connected short stories)
Of the time when I began to read connected stories I shall speak later.
Passing Through, published in 2004, is a collection of connected stories set on the fictional Caribbean island of San Carlos.
Venture to the Moon (1956; six individual connected short stories)
The Other Side of the Sky (1957; six individual connected stories)
The following characters were changed or introduced during Infinite Crisis and connected stories.
But the large personalities of his principal players let him explain ideas in a series of connected stories that help the reader digest the learning.
Another connected story is the Northern German folktale of The Three Gifts.
It covers 13 connected short stories about a woman named Olive and her immediate family and friends in the town of Crosby in coastal Maine.