A connected individual is a close relative, a spouse or civil partner, or someone related to you by marriage or civil partnership.
First, the company is often owned by a single individual or a group of connected individuals who are advised by the same adviser.
However it later came to light that the actual buyer was a partnership between Greenland Bank, which was insolvent at the time, and some politically connected individuals.
Those companies and their connected individuals have become hugely rich as a result.
It is actually a colony made up of numerous small connected individuals, each with a specific function, such as feeding, attack and defense.
Provincial and municipal governments put pressure on local bank branches to approve loans to politically connected individuals and to money-losing government-owned enterprises that employ large numbers of people.
In addition, rampant graft and corruption created a rent that discriminated against the poor in favour of connected individuals and businesses.
'Group of connected individuals' is defined as:
The definitions of a 'group of connected individuals' is as for 0402.3 above.
"We're concerned about using finder's fees and politically connected individuals to influence our investment decisions," Ms. Nappier said.