It seeks to connect volunteers and experts with voluntary projects and organisations worldwide.
The federation needs help with special events and committees, but it also connects volunteers with nine agencies, including those that deliver meals and work with the elderly.
The Foster Grandparent Program connects volunteers age 55 and over with children and young people with exceptional needs.
HealthCare Volunteer is a non-profit organization that connects volunteers with a health-related volunteering opportunity.
Entremundos is a non-profit organization based in Quetzaltenango (also called Xela) that connects volunteers to organizations all around Guatemala, with.
The program seeks to connect possible volunteers among A.A.R.P. members with the elderly in need.
The Network for Good, which calls itself an e-philanthropy portal, connects donors and volunteers with nonprofit groups.
JRAid connects volunteers directly with opportunities to help struggling families based on the volunteer's own personal preferences.
He later joined the board for Hands on Greater Portland, a nonprofit that connects volunteers with initiatives in their community, where he was elected board president.
The VCSV seeks to connect volunteers with opportunities throughout the area, and also organizes several volunteer events, such as the Green Challenge.