The stated purpose of the photo ID card is "to streamline access to City programs and connect residents to local businesses."
It has involved the fire, building inspection, zoning and health departments, and has connected residents with social services.
Downtown is also easily accessible by bike, with bike paths connecting residents from all sides of the city into the centre.
The Housing Rights Committee helped connect residents to an attorney who filed a successful class action lawsuit against the landlord.
This was done to connect residents of Ocracoke to their county seat for Hyde County.
Beyond the walls of the housing complex, project partners use broadband to connect residents with social services, counseling, financial and educational resources.
USDA, in cooperation with our public and private partners, is connecting rural residents to the global economy by:
Downtown Line will connect residents staying in the north-western and central-eastern to the new downtown.
The initial plan stressed both sidewalks and streets to connect residents and visitors to the waterfront.
Over the past four years OneRoof has opened computer centers to connect poor residents of India with the information revolution.