Last season, he connected only 29 percent against the Cardinals - including a 5-for-21 performance the second time they met.
It connected just above the waistline, against the pillar between the doors.
She connected with a 24-yard field goal against the FireHawks in a 69-45 loss.
She didn't see his hand, it was just there, connecting sharply against her cheek.
She swung out again and managed to connect her fist against his cheek.
But he connected on his 58th and 59th tonight, both two-run shots, again against the Marlins.
Williams connected for five hits in one game on May 31, 1970 against Boston.
It was just as apparent that the Rangers were having difficulty connecting against him.
Margo felt the back of her head connect sickeningly against stone.
It connected with terrific force against the heavy jaw of the German guard.