The camp was set up when Conan finally left the hill, conical tents dotting a broad, flat space between two hills.
While stone huts were there against winter, as yet families used their conical tents.
They arrayed their wares on blankets in front of conical tents.
Half a mile down the curving shoreline rested the village, a cluster of conical tents on the beach.
They guided her toward a large conical tent that Ayla hadn't noticed before.
The Sibley design differed from other conical tents, or bell tents in a number of ways.
There was a glow in the doorway of the high, conical tent of Essedinex.
One method was to use a small conical traveling tent, block the smoke hole, and build a smoky fire inside.
It was snowing outside the conical tents and the Cheyenne were drunk.
Toward her left, the vague outlines of several conical tents could just be seen through the dry, gritty wind.