Many congregational leaders throughout the ICOC saw Kip's comments as disrespectful, divisive, worldly, and selfish.
Some rabbis and congregational leaders have criticized the principles for signaling a return to Orthodoxy, or as one critic put it, "Conservative Judaism Lite."
The website states that 'The whole congregation is governed by a congregational leader, assisted by a group of sisters known as the general leadership team or the general council.'
The website explains that the program is designed to train Messianic congregational leaders, outreach workers and educators.
To help address the bewildering emotional, spiritual and liturgical questions prompted by the World Trade Center tragedy, organized religions are struggling to set up guideposts for congregational leaders.
Finally, the rabbis and congregational leaders intervened in 1779 and prohibited, under penalty of excommunication, the assemblies in Nathan Adler's house.
WRJ advocates for social justice, raises funds for charities and rabbinic scholarships, and educates congregational leaders.
A full study, Mr. Goetz acknowledged, would require similar surveys of congregational leaders and denominational officials.
Following exposure by the press, he stood down as Minister of his congregation, having been told by congregational leaders that his position was untenable.
-1881) was a New Zealand businessman, educationalist, politician, congregational leader and public trustee.