That led to the announcement on Wednesday, which brought congratulatory remarks from Mr. Kennard and the leaders of the two industries.
Upon contacting the squadron, the brig's captain sent Sivori the congratulatory remarks of the British consul at Tripoli.
On April 16, the team made their trip to the White House, where President Barack Obama offered congratulatory remarks for their championship season.
The Italian and Spanish papers mainly led their front pages with congratulatory remarks on the imminent launch of the European single currency, which both countries have qualified to join.
This informal event will include brief congratulatory remarks from various speakers.
In early March, the team was invited to the White House, where Obama greeted the team and offered congratulatory remarks for their championship season.
Grant's congratulatory remarks include a veiled threat about "all the hours of your life".
Investigative reporter John Gorenfeld then found a photo depicting Weldon as giving the opening "congratulatory remarks" from the stage.
Mr President, I wish to begin with some congratulatory remarks.
Edward Heath said the following congratulatory remark: