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Horning is very popular with boaters, and sailing regattas take place regularly on this congested stretch of the Bure.
A new alignment of US 206 is being built to bypass the current congested stretch of the road.
Currently, Northbound traffic on Interstate 405, in Southern California, through the Sepulveda Pass is the most congested stretch of highway in the country.
The I-35 corridor between San Antonio and Austin is considered one of the most congested stretches of highway in the Interstate System.
But if there have ever been 30 consecutive minutes when none of that congested stretch of I-95 was a parking lot, I was not there to witness it.
Green Corridor system is under implemention between Flower Market and Thudiyalur to synchronising traffic signals, as it is one of most congested stretch in the city.
More importantly the new highway would bypass the congested urban stretch of the 102 that extends into Halifax.
On Wednesday, Acting Gov. Richard J. Codey promised some relief: an additional lane on each side of that congested stretch.
However, posted limits are in place on many dangerous or congested stretches as well as where traffic noise or pollution poses a problem.
At this congested stretch of the fixture list there was unlikely to be expansive play, particularly from a side beaten at Sunderland two days earlier.