You could make your headquarters in a more congenial spot.
For Merlin, the Internet Camelot was no longer so congenial a spot.
It was not a congenial spot, and they were keen to move downward.
Also, when a congenial spot was found, the caravan lingered three or four days, enjoying the fresh water and the good pasturage.
Often they camped for weeks at a time at some congenial spot, replenished their biltong and moved on.
Moreover, the woman is sitting in the least congenial spot in the entire restaurant for introspection.
I'd go out, find a congenial spot, have a Coke or a cup of coffee.
I suggested that we might remove discussion from the middle of the street to some more congenial spot.
Atmosphere: Warm and congenial spot with brick and whitewashed walls.
The tree grew at the crossing of three Indian paths in what experts say must have been an especially congenial spot for sustained growth.