A confusing mass of figures, they looked like tangled bird tracks.
This can be seen from the intense blue and black color of the ornaments, which are often a confusing mass of color.
This connection model resulted in large confusing masses of cables, especially in professional and high-end consumer applications.
His console was a confusing mass of flashing buttons and weird-looking symbols.
The other is that it is a confusing mass of shifting styles that only serves to keep the reader from knowing what's going on.
When the afternoon was over he had gath- ered a confusing mass of general information abou life in the new age.
The defection would only add to the confusing mass of parties and alliances that have been created in nearly a year of political chaos here.
Finally, thought Worf as they began to follow what looked like a path through the confusing mass of spindly trees.
However, the image generated is a confusing mass of lines of little use to the designer.
The incoming Manty strike was a confusing mass of red light dots.