The often confusing issue of screening for breast cancer just got more confusing.
It was often a confusing, hotly debated issue among the men who shared in this lifestyle.
These are difficult and confusing issues in the arts, largely because of the conflict of principles involved.
The public, who find the deficit a boring and confusing issue, gave Mr. Clinton no credit for reducing it.
This is fine for some patients, but frightening to those who find the medical issues arcane or confusing.
People seem to be confusing various issues and rolling them into one.
Taxis and Transportation - Taxi meters can be a confusing issue overseas.
How to count those who opt for the multiracial categories is not the only confusing issue flowing out of the census.
Parents who trust the coach should distinguish between the confusing issue of good, positive support versus negative over involvement.
One of the most confusing election-related issues, he said, is the difference between direct voting and cumulative voting.