Those families were allowed to appeal the agency's decision, but many said they received confusing, contradictory or incomplete instructions as they tried to do so.
A lawsuit showed the written protocols as a hodgepodge of confusing instructions that Mr. Bredesen described as "a cut and paste job."
Upon its arrival, they are nonplussed to find out that the robot had been shipped unassembled and accompanied by vague, confusing instructions.
There followed months of confusing instructions from Euromac in Britain on how to ship the capacitors.
Others finally voted only to learn that many ballots had been discarded because of faulty machines or confusing instructions.
Residents of Park Slope, Brooklyn, also complained of lengthy delays and confusing instructions from poll workers, who sent one woman to the wrong school to vote.
They said those notes had been purely hypothetical, as they tried to work through confusing legal instructions about the many questions they were required to answer.
But several justices said they found the instruction confusing and unlikely to have steered jurors away from an improper basis for awarding damages.
(Several defendants later admitted to trying to bribe a juror, and other jurors blamed what they said were confusing instructions from the judge.)
Gamezebo's Andy Chalk felt that despite the game's simplicity and confusing instructions, that it was incredibly hard to put down.