Along with much confusing information, it has produced spates of wild rumors, false leads and dead ends, all requiring pursuit.
The Internet retailer is the subject of a forum sponsored by the society to tackle the issues of confusing financial information facing investors today.
How can human beings in normal conversation makes sense of 5,000 words an hour of confusing, semi-organized information?
And what is the ordinary consumer meant to do in face of such confusing and horrendous information?
However, in view of the confusing information given and the fact you are a good customer, the bank has now paid £37.11 and added £15 for goodwill.
The World Access center began to get confusing information, Dr. Pigman said.
Enemies could not "jam" the system with false or confusing information.
Review the mock ad for incorrect or confusing information and spelling mistakes.
But confusing, and often conflicting, information about nutrition has created a virtual minefield for health-conscious consumers.
I have received confusing information on this.