O'Dowd was replaced by James A. Rogers, who while also somewhat progressive editorial, took a less confrontational posture.
Despite these positive moves to boost interoperability, the company still exhibits a confrontational posture towards Linux.
Clinton caustically reminded her colleagues why she was supporting a less confrontational posture toward the White House than the Kerry measure.
They're doing this in the context of a confrontational American posture toward North Korea, which is unfortunate.
Tim Lee of the Technology Liberation Front posted an article that questioned the EFF's adopting a confrontational posture when dealing with private companies.
"We have to get out of the confrontational posture that we've been in for well nigh five years now," Mr. Smith said.
The North Korea deal, he says, came about after the Bush administration shifted tactics from its confrontational, axis-of-evil posture to intensive multilateral diplomacy.
Negotiating Tactics Representatives from developing countries make light of such accusations, saying their confrontational postures and language are only negotiating tactics to get much needed funds.
His slouch was hardly a confrontational posture.
Archbishop Weakland's statement contrasts with the more confrontational posture of a number of Catholic bishops toward politicians who refuse to support anti-abortion legislation.