He confronted angry students in Montevideo, Uruguay, and Lima, Peru, and made front-page headlines when he arrived in Venezuela.
Similar challenges confront younger students, too.
Then, when the test is changed, confronting students with unfamiliar material and a new format, scores plummet, sending parents, students and teachers into shock.
Emanuelle Tagudina): The lifeblood of the publication, it molds its members to be critical and observant of the myriad issues confronting students inside and outside campus.
The third problem, memory, confronts students.
To prove that attendence was mandatory, teachers telephoned the parents of absent students or confronted students who had missed a tutorial.
Colleges and high schools are often accused of tolerating grade inflation, because teachers have adopted lower standards and hesitate to confront lower-performing students.
Any attempt to draw a parallel to the problem when the Paris or Seoul police confront students is irrelevant.
National Guardsmen, confronting students in one of the countless protest pavanes of that time, unexpectedly wheeled and opened fire down a hillside, killing four students and wounding nine.