The two men regularly confronted German soldiers, pulling Jews off trains heading for the camps and hiding them in safe houses around the capital.
We don't want Kuwaitis to confront Iraqi soldiers now.
The central tactic was the organization of teenagers to confront and provoke armed soldiers by throwing rocks at them.
An attorney who dared the Guard to come and get his guns found himself confronting soldiers and was shot in the arm.
And officers here said they were preparing to adopt a new strategy to confront Iraqi soldiers in the close quarters of urban combat.
"We are doing our bit for God," he said, adding that he did not plan to physically confront soldiers and police officers on evacuation day.
"Children are turned into martyrs and are engaged to confront soldiers."
Drenched clothes sap the motivation of Palestinian youths who might otherwise confront soldiers.
He may never have to confront soldiers outside his dacha.
Women also violently confronted "scabs", policemen, and soldiers.