The President confronted lawmakers who have been urging him to take a stronger stand favoring the republic's bid for independence.
Throughout the afternoon, more than 100 tenants who took buses to Albany from New York City confronted Democratic lawmakers asking why they had abandoned a vow made just two weeks earlier to keep rent protections intact.
If he won't confront lawmakers over these pet issues, what will he go to the mat for?
On Wednesday, she is scheduled to confront lawmakers who have denounced her refusals to refer the entire tangle of fund-raising issues to an outside prosecutor.
The Senate resolution and similar decisions by budget writers in the House reflect significant political pressure confronting lawmakers in the face of deficits that Congressional budget analysts say could total $2.75 trillion in the next decade.
President Bush won support today from the Speaker of the House for his policy on Lithuania as he confronted lawmakers who have been urging him to take a stronger stand in favor of the Baltic republic's bid for independence.
Other antiwar activists milled about outside the committee room, occasionally confronting lawmakers as they came and went.
They are confronting lawmakers with the inequity they see in some employers' covering Viagra while denying women help in avoiding unwanted pregnancies.
The cuts the governor is seeking will almost certainly make health care one of the most contentious issues confronting lawmakers, who must comply with a court-appointed panel's ruling that an additional $5.6 billion a year must be spent to improve New York City schools.
A14 A fiscal dilemma in Michigan is confronting lawmakers who have to choose between eliminating a state-financed welfare program or making smaller cuts in a wide array of social service programs.