Cuddy confronts House with a yet unknown detail: that Julia does not have health insurance.
Wilson confronts House about the placement of the blood clot - it was not in her amygdala.
Wilson sees Stacy packing up and he confronts House.
Wilson confronts House on how he inflicted the pain on himself to make up for pushing Stacy away.
Later, Cuddy confronts House and wants to know if he took LSD.
Cuddy confronts House when she's learned that he plans to talk to Hugo's parents about taking a lung and bone marrow.
Wilson confronts House, but House reminds him that only his patient was off limits.
Wilson confronts House, saying that he doesn't know any better than anyone whether there is an afterlife.
As Adams confronts House about his behavior, he admits he wanted them to do a tilt table test all along.
A more positive approach to rescuing the parks is contained in two other bills confronting the Senate and House.