Check that units conform to British Standard 3456 for safety.
A dentist by profession, he began in his thirties to write stories about people who can't conform to society's rules for one reason or another.
Fortunately, the request conformed to the requirements for preservation.
It does not conform to the state of Florida's section, township and range survey system, for two reasons.
Critics thought that it conformed to white expectations of low aspirations for blacks in the South during this period.
The labs also did testing to ensure gas equipment conformed to national standards for safety, durability, and performance.
They may or may not conform to historical stops nor planned locations for any future service.
"Our best bet is to conform for the time being, while we try to work out a strategy," Brodersen had explained.
The landscaped open space will include a linear park that conforms to the city's plan for a public walk along its entire waterfront.
He was always a Catholic at heart, though he conformed for a while 'in hopes that things would take another turn.'