The Others eventually found out about some of these things and the conflict resumed.
However, the conflict resumed in 1999, thus rendering the 1997 peace accord meaningless.
When the new clone is created, the player takes control of it and direct conflict resumes.
Armed conflicts resumed, this time coming from almost every province in the Philippines.
(28) By the late 1420's, however, military conflict had resumed, and taxation rose as a response.
However after the king's murder in Rogoźno the following year, the conflict and instability resumed.
The ceasefire lasted only briefly before conflict resumed, however.
When conflict resumed he was wounded at Appleby in July 1648.
However, the conflict resumed in 2005 and by 2008 there were an estimated 4000 deaths.
Within weeks conflict had resumed, and by the end of the year an estimated 300,000 civilians had fled their homes.