Coaches introduce games into the playground that are inclusive to everybody while teaching teamwork, conflict mediation, leadership skills and social skills.
Staff trainers have also introduced conflict mediation to correctional institutions for young people.
Experimental evolution of conflict mediation between genomes.
Sulh, in its sense of conflict mediation, is still common in rural areas where governmental systems of justice have little force.
Traditional conflict mediation was favored over the rule of law in some cases of child trafficking and exploitation.
"That's true," agreed Carmen, a painfully thin, dark-haired woman who'd made a career out of conflict mediation.
Other schools have concentrated on violence, adding conflict mediation to their agendas.
They also attend workshops on topics like resume writing and conflict mediation, and meet with a counselor once a month.
My guidance office has spent hours teaching conflict mediation instead of violence.
In this perspective, it gives special attention to information operations, psychological action, and conflict mediation.