Although brief, the conflict was noted for two reasons.
For the truth theme, several conflicts have been noted in the first chapter, such as Moses Cooper's talking against superstition yet birching Adam seven times.
In the USA class conflict is often noted in labor/management disputes.
Competition and conflict between Jewish and the non-Jewish tradesmen is noted as early as 1576 when Sigismund III issued a decree prohibiting Jews from buying leather from the local peasants, allowing them to purchase leather only at the town market after completion of the morning mass at the town's Catholic church.
In 1937, conflict was noted in LULAC News, without little detail provided, about problems with the Laredo chapters.
The conflict has been noted as one of the most important labour disputes in Canadian history.
There are conflicting or unreliable sources for the birth years of many people born in this period; where sources conflict, the poet is listed again and the conflict is noted:
At this time the conflicts between Criollos and Peninsulares were first noted.
Errors and conflicts in the indexes are noted.