On conviction for a felony, the lands were not confiscated by The Crown.
The estate was confiscated by the Crown when he was arrested on suspicion of treason.
Farumgård was confiscated by the Crown in connection with the Reformation.
All other Jewish property was confiscated by the Crown.
The island belonged to the Cistercian monastery at Hovedøya, but is was confiscated by the Crown in 1532.
The monastery was dissolved in 1536 during the Reformation and its lands and assets were confiscated by the Crown.
His lands in England were confiscated by the Crown.
Their vast fortune in bullion and land was confiscated by the Crown, and most of them were tortured and burned at the stake.
His large estates were confiscated by the Crown.
He was defeated at Chesterfield in 1266, imprisoned, and all his properties were confiscated by the Crown.