Birmingham won 1-0 to confirm their place in the Final, and subsequently the Premiership.
While we still have many questions about australopithecines, each new discovery seems to confirm their place on our large and complicated family tree.
This is a sound novel which will confirm his place among modern writers.
Every so often, for kicks, man and master trade places, but always on the boss's terms, confirming his place on top.
When will this update on track confirming my place at my insurance?
India won the match and confirmed their place in the Finals.
Then she went back to Cambridge and confirmed her place as the first woman to sail a ship to the stars.
The show, which took place in the round, confirmed Prince's place as a master melodist.
Payments must be made within the terms detailed above to confirm the delegate's place on the event or training course.
The data also confirms the decade's place in immigration history: 8.6 million people told the census that they entered the country during the 1980's.